Momencik, trwa przetwarzanie danych   loading-animation
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    Zamieszcza materiały od: 15 lutego 2014 - 21:27
    Ostatnio: 7 maja 2015 - 22:08
    • Materiałów na głównej: 58 z 181 (123 usunietych przez adm.)
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    25 marca 2014, 11:45 przez barrister (PW) | było | Do ulubionych | Skomentuj


    22 marca 2014, 23:24 przez barrister (PW) | było | Do ulubionych | Skomentuj


    21 marca 2014, 22:39 przez barrister (PW) | było | Do ulubionych | Skomentuj


    Earlier this week, footage of a teenager jumping from a moving train started circulating on social media sites. As a result, Victoria Police and the Metro Trains in Melbourne (Australia) are now formally investigating the incident.

    The original footage showing the teenager jumping from a moving train, only to land hard on the train platform, can be viewed here, but is also shown in the footage below. Victoria Police have indicated they know the identity of the 17-year-old boy, but have declined to release details.

    The train was slowing down as it arrived at Watergardens station when the boy leapt out, immediately going off his feet and skidding across the concrete. Video shot by one of the boy's friends shows fellow passengers cackling as he pries open the carriage door and jumps out.

    CCTV from the station platform shows the idiotic stunt from another angle, revealing how the boy climbed back to his feet, doubled over in apparent pain.
    14 marca 2014, 9:39 przez barrister (PW) | było | Do ulubionych | Skomentuj
